Community & Vacancy

IHS member poll: Trainee sessions
The IHS offers trainee sessions at our conferences and 2 online sessions per year to support trainees. We would like to get feedback from our members on what would be most useful for our trainees. Feedback from both trainees and established researchers is welcome.

IHS members trainee questionnaire

The Energetics Lab at Northern Michigan University is accepting applications for a motivated Graduate/
Master student to work on the effects of microclimates on hibernation and life-history traits in the Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel.



Past events and previous vacancies

Hibernation Science Summer School (Workshop)

The workshop will include faculty lecturers discussing the natural history, physiology, neurobiology, behavior, ecology, the molecular and biochemical bases, and potential therapeutic applications of hibernation science. Our lecturers include Drs. Brian Barnes, Kelly Drew, and Oivind Toien, University of Alaska, Dr. Elena Gracheva, Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Matt Andrews, University of Nebraska.